Be Excited!
Be Excited!
Episode 006: Long form Pre-Exam Meditation (15 mins)

Hi everyone. This is Professor Hare. Today’s episode of the Be Excited podcase is in our PA School series, brought to you from the Be Excited Retreat Center. Today I am bringing you a pre-exam meditation, intended to help you find a good mind state before an exam or assessment.

While not everyone will benefit from the focusing benefits of mindfulness and meditation, I encourage you to try it, preferably prior to a study session to see how it works for you. This is the longer of two meditations, you may find the shorter version a better fit prior to an exam or assessment.

Before we begin, it helps to remember that the approach to testing benefits greatly from the balance of two mind states:

On one hand: Calmness, concentration and tranquility

On the other: Energy and interest

Find a quiet space in which you won’t be interrupted, maybe put on headphones.

Begin by settling into an awareness of the body, of the body position and posture in your chair.

You may close your eyes, or simply lower your gaze to a point on the table in front of you.

You should be upright and alert, but in a position that you could maintain for an hour.

Note your body position in the chair.

Note the contact of your feet with the floor.

Sit and know that you are sitting.

Become aware of your body breathing. Focus on the point in your body where the breath is the strongest, or most noticeable. It could be the nose, or the back of the throat, the chest, or the belly.

Begin with a few deep breaths-

Allow each deep breath in to increase your awareness.

Allow each deep breath out to release tension.

Allow your breathing to return to normal depth and rhythm.

Breathe in and know that you are breathing in. Breathe out and know that you are breathing out.

Make a soft mental note of the breath as it occurs.

“In….Out.” Or “Rising….Falling.”

If you get distracted during the meditation, return your focus to breathing. It will always be there.

Begin the full body scan by relaxing the muscles of the face. Soften the eyes. Allow the shoulders to drop fully.

Become aware of the sensations in the toes of your left foot. What do you feel there? Pressure? Tingling? Coolness? Warmth? Nothing at all?

Now move to the sensations of the bottom of your left foot. Pay close attention. Become intensely interested in the minute sensations there.

Now move to the top of your left foot.

Continue to the left heel and ankle.

Now note what it feels like in your left calf and shin. Then the knee.

Now note the sensations, using close attention, to the left upper leg.

Now the left side of your hip.

Now shift to the toes of your right foot. Become very curious as to what you feel there.  Pressure? Tingling? Coolness? Warmth? Itching? Pain? Nothing at all?

Now move to the sensations of the bottom of your Right foot. Pay close attention. Become intensely interested in the minute sensations there.

Now move to the top of your right foot.

Continue to the right heel and ankle.

Now note what it feels like in your right calf and shin. Then the knee.

Now note the sensations, using close attention, to the right upper leg.

Now the right side of your hip.

Now focus on the pelvic girdle. Feel the center of the pelvis on the chair. Move the concentration up the body to the waist.

Then the abdomen. Note any sensations there. Hunger. Pain. Fullness. Vibration.

Now the chest and upper back. Feel the chest rise and fall with each breath, and any sensations that accompany that.

Now focus on the arms. First the left hand and fingers. Note their position and where they are touching.

Note the left wrist and forearm. Get curious about what that feels like.

Move to the left elbow and upper arm.

Now the left shoulder. Is it fully relaxed? Is there pressure or pain?

Now the right hand and fingers. Note their position and where they are touching.

Note the right wrist and forearm. Get curious about what that feels like.

Move to the right elbow and upper arm.

Now the right shoulder. Is it painful? Is there pressure or vibration there? Is it fully relaxed?

Now the neck. Feel the pressure of your shirt collar, or the lack of contact with your clothing. Is there any pain in this area? Pressure? Vibration? Get curious about any sensations here.

Now move your curiosity up to the face and forehead. Are the muscles relaxed? Softened? Do your eyes feel heavy? Swollen? Do they feel as though there is pressure on them?

Now move to the scalp and top of the head. Do you feel any sensations here? Tingling? Pressure? Or nothing at all?

Now move your focus back to the breath where you started.

Breathing normally, note the breath. In. Out. Take a few moments to focus entirely on the breath.

Remember that your choices today are just that- today’s choices. It is your entire body of work that determines who you are and your success. Not just here but in all areas of life. You’ve got this.

Open your eyes when you are ready. Take a moment to reacquaint yourself with your surroundings.

Optional PA Practice Metta:

May this work be for the benefit of all beings.

May your practice be for the benefit of all beings.

May you aspire to be of benefit to all beings.

May you realize what you are truly looking for, pursue it relentlessly despite all obstacles, and find it.